Carti / Books
Dinu C., Matenco L., Diaconescu V., Munteanu I.,(2007) – Analiza bazinelor de sedimentare, Ed. Vergiliu, Bucureşti, 377 p.
Dinu C., Pauliuc S., Barus T. (1988), Geologie structurală – Lucrări practice,
Tipografia Universităţii Bucureşti, 208 p.
Pauliuc S., Dinu C. (1985) – Geologie structurală, Ed. tehnică, Bucureşti, 340 p.
Capitole în cărți / Book Chapters
Dinu C. (2009) – Neogene and Quaternary tectonic evolution of the Western Black Sea Basin– in Nicolae Panin, Corneliu Dinu, Dan C. Jipa -TOPO- EUROPE SUMMER SCHOOL On Carpathian – Danube Delta Black Sea sedimentary systems, Murighiol, 2009, September 25th– October 10th Geoecomarina- sp.vol.,p.39 – 70.
Dinu C. (1988)- Manualul inginerului de mine – vol. IV – Cap. “Rezolvarea acccidentelor tectonice întâlnite în cursul deschiderii, pregătirii şi exploatării zăcămintelor”, Ed. tehnică, Bucureşti, p.213-346.
Dinu C., (1985) – Geologic study of the Cretaceons Flysch Deposits in the Upper Course of the Trotuş Valley (East Carpathians). An.Inst.GeoI. Geofiz. vol.XXV, p.l-135.
Volume speciale in calitate de editor / Editted special volumes
Cloetingh S., Maţenco L., Bada G., Dinu C. and Mocanu V. (2005) –The Carpathians-Pannonian Basin System – Natural Laboratory for Coupled Lithospheric-Surface Processes. Tectonophysics, vol.410, Issues 1-4, pages 1-510.
Dinu C., Mocanu V. (Editors) (2004) –Geology,tectonics and hydrocarbon potential of the Romanian Moesian platform. Bucharest Geoscience Forum, sp. 87 p, Bucharest.
Dinu C., Mocanu V. (Editors) (2002) -Geology and tectonics of the Romanian Black Sea shelf and its hydrocarbon potenţial. Bucharest Geoscience Forum, sp.vol. no.2, 117p.
Dinu C., Mocanu V.(Editors) (1998) – Geological structure and hydrocarbon
potential of the Romanian areas. Bucharest Geoscience Forum,,121p.
Neubauer F.,Cloetingh S.,Dinu C, Mocanu V.(Eds)(1997)- Tectonics of the Alpine – Carpathian – Pannonian Region. II Tectonophysics, 272, no.2-4.
Ghiduri de excursii / Excursion guides bookDinu C.,
Stoica M. – Field trip guidebook – Dobrogea – May 2014. Robertson (UK) Ltd./CGG. Agreement no. 042114 – 1. 119 pag.
Dinu C.,Gradinaru E., Stoica M., Diaconescu V. – „Dobrogea 2007 Field Trip Preparation and Assistance” – PETROM SA – Member of OMV Group, 126 pag.
Klammer W., Dinu C., Dobre S., Nedelcu E., Stoicescu Al.,Ionescu G. – Region East E&R – The Eastern Carpathians Field Trip, Romania, 24-27 mai 2006, 90 pag.
Wong H.K., Dinu C. – Geological Field Trip Guide – Field Trip to the South Carpathians, Summer Semester 2006, 123 pag.
Dinu C., Wong H.K. – Geological Field Trip Guide – Field Trip to the South Carpathians, Summer Semester 2000, 70 pag.
Butac A., Dinu C., Gradinaru E.,Olaru R.,,Serini V., Sindilar V.,Tambrea D- Field trip Dobrodja and Eastern Carpathian Bend Area, Romania, 16 – 18 sept.1998., 120 pag.
Prof. Dr. H. K. Wong, Prof. Dr. C. Dinu, Dr. T. Lüdmann – Geological Field Trip “Romanian East Carpathians”,15 – 28 August 1996., 100 pag., Univ. din Bucuresti.
Articole / Pappers
Munteanu I., Diviacco P., Sauli C., Dinu C., Burca M., Panin N., Brancatelli G., 2017. New Insights into the Black Sea Basin, in the light of the reprocessing of vintage regional seismic data. In: Finkl C.W., Makowski C. (eds). Diversity in Coastal Marine Sciences, Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Research of Geology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Remote Sensing: Cham, Springer International Publishing, p. 91-114.3
Mihaela Popa, Eugen Oros, Corneliu Dinu, Mircea Radulian, Felix Borleanu, Maria Rogozea, Ioan Munteanu and Cristian Neagoe (2016)- The 2013 Earthquake Swarm in the Galati Area: First Results for a Seismotectonic Radu Vacareanu & Constantin Ionescu (Editors) – The 1940 Vrancea Earthquake. Issues, Insights and Lessons Learnt Proceedings of the Symposium Commemorating 75 Years from November 10, 1940 Vrancea Earthquake. Springer Natural Hazards, p.253 – 267. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319- 29844-3.
Konerding C., Dinu C., Wong H.K.(2010) – Seismic sequence stratigraphy, structure and Mio-Pleistocene subsidence history of the Romanian Black Sea shelf. Sosson M., Kaymakci N., Stephenson R., Bergerat F., Starostenko V.(Eds)- Sedimentary basin tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform. Geological Society of London, Special Publications 210, v.340, p.159-180.
Cloetingh,S., Bada,G.,Matenco, L.,Lankraeijer, A., Horvath,F., Dinu, C.(2006)- Modes of basin (de)formation, lithospheric strength and vertical motions in the Pannonian–Carpathian system: inferences from thermo-mechanical modelling In:Stephenson, R.A., Gee, D. (Eds.), European Lithosphere Dynamics.Geological Society of London, Memoirs, 32, pp.207 – 221
Ciulavu, D.,Dinu, C., Cloetingh, S., (2002) -.Late Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Transylvanian Basin and Northeastern Part of the Pannonian Basin: Constraints from Seismic Profiling and Numerical Modelling. EGU Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series 3, p.105-120.
Ciulavu D., Dinu C. (1998) – The Transilvanian Basin. In: CERGOP Monograph of Southern Carpathians”, Warshaw University of Techology p.l11-126.
Dinu C., Morariu D.C., Mocanu V. (1996) – Hydrocarbon resources of România -an overview. In: G. Wessely and W. Leibl (Eds.), “Oil and Gas in Alpidic Thrustbels and Basins of Central and Eastern Europe”, EAGE Sp. Publ. no.5, p. 23-27.
Mocanu V., Dinu C., Rădulescu FL, Diaconescu M.Diaconescu C.,Pompilian A.(1996) – Seismogeological features of the crust in România,in Wessely G. and Leibl. W.(eds.), “Oil and Gas in Alpidic Thrustbets and Basins of Central and Eastern Europe”, EAGE Sp. Publ.No.5, p.289-299.
Munteanu I., Willingshofer E., Matenco L., Sokoutis D., Dinu C., Cloetingh S. (2019) – Far-field strain transmission and contractional step-overs. Tectonophysics 766, 194–204.
Popa M., Munteanu I., Borleanu F., Oros E., Radulian M., Dinu C., 2018. Active tectonic deformation and associated earthquakes:a case study—South West Carpathians Bend zone.Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 53(3) htps:// 10.1007/ s40328-018-0224-1.
Munteanu I., Diviacco P., Sauli C., Dinu C., Burca M., Panin N., Brancatelli G., 2017. New Insights into the Black Sea Basin, in the light of the reprocessing of vintage regional seismic data. In: Finkl C.W., Makowski C. (eds). Diversity in Coastal Marine Sciences: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Research of Geology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Remote Sensing: Cham, Springer International Publishing, p. 91-114.3
Mihaela Popa, Eugen Oros, Corneliu Dinu, Mircea Radulian, Felix Borleanu, Maria Rogozea, Ioan Munteanu and Cristian Neagoe (2016)- The 2013 Earthquake Swarm in the Galati Area: First Results for a Seismotectonic Radu Vacareanu & Constantin Ionescu (Editors)-The 1940 Vrancea Earthquake. Issues, Insights and Lessons Learned, Proceedings of the Symposium Commemorating 75 Years from November 10, 1940 Vrancea Earthquake. Springer Natural Hazards, p.253 – 267.
Matenco L., Munteanu I, ter Borgh M, Stanica A, Tilita M, Lericolais G., Dinu C, Oaie G.(2015) – The interplay between tectonics, sediment dynamics and gateways evolution in the Danube system from the Pannonian Basin to the western Black Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 543 (Pt.A), 807-827.
Bala A., Raileanu V., Dinu C., Diaconescu M. (2015) –Crustal seismicity and active fault systems in Romania. Romanian Reports in Physics, 67(3) p.1176 -1191.
Necea D. ,Kadereit A., Matenco L., Fielitz W., Andriessen P.A.M. , Dinu C (2013)– Middle Pleistocene to Holocene fluvial terrace development and uplift-driven valley incision in SE Carpathians, Romania. Tectonophysics Volume 602, Pages 332–354, TOPO-EUROPE III
Munteanu I., Willingshofer E., Matenco L., Dinu C. (2013) – Transfer of deformation in back-arc basins with a laterally variable rheology: Constraints from analogue modelling of the Balkanides–Western Black Sea inversion. Tectonophysics Volume 602, , Pages 223–236 TOPO-EUROPE III
Tiliţă M., Matenco L., Dinu C., Ionescu L , Cloetingh S., (2013) – Understanding the kinematic evolution and genesis of a back-arc continental “sag”basin: The Neogene evolution of the Transylvanian Basin , Tectonophysics 602 (2013) 237-258.
Matenco L., P.A.M. Andriessen · C. Avram · G. Bada · F. Beekman · M. Bielik · M. ter Borgh · G. Cifci · V. Cvetković · C. Dinu · […] · R. Stephenson · S. Stovba · D. Sokoutis · M. Stankoviansky · M. Stoica · U. Stojadinović · M. Toljić · B. Tomljenović · M. ter Voorde · H.K.Wong (2013) · Quantifying the mass transfer from mountain ranges to deposition in sedimentary basins: Source to sink studies in the Danube Basin–Black Sea system . Global and planetary change, 103, 1-18.
Munteanu I, Matenco L., Dinu C., Cloetingh S. (2012) – Effects of large sea-level variations in connected basins: the Dacian–Black Sea system of the Eastern Paratethys.Basin Research ,24(5-5),583-597.
Munteanu I., Matenco L.,Dinu C.,Cloetingh S. (2011) – Kinematics of back‐arc inversion of the Western Black Sea Basin.Tectonics, 30(5).
Konerding C., Dinu C., Wong H.K.(2010) – Seismic sequence stratigraphy, structure and Mio-Pleistocene subsidence history of the Romanian Black Sea shelf. Sosson M., Kaymakci N., Stephenson R., Bergerat F., Starostenko V.(Eds)- Sedimentary basin tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform. Geological Society of London, Special Publications 210, v.340, p.159-180.
Matenco L., Bertotti G., Leever K., Cloetingh S., Schmid S.M., Tarapoanca M., Dinu C. (2007) –Large- scale deformation in a locked collisional boundary: interplay between subsidence and uplift, intraplate stress and inherited lithosphaeric structure in the late stage of the SE Carpathian evolution.Tectonics, vol.26(4), pp.1-29.
Hauser F., Raileanu V., Fielitz W., Dinu C., Landes M., Bala., Prodehl C. (2007) Seismic crustal structure between the Transylvanian Basin and the Black Sea., Tectonophysics, vol. 430, p.1 – 25.
Cloetingh S.A.P.L. · P. A. Ziegler · P. J. F. Bogaard · P. A. M. Andriessen · I. M. Artemieva · G. Bada · R. T. van Balen · F. Beekman · Z. Ben-Avraham · J. P. Brun · […] · M. Tesauro · A. Thieken · G. Timar · L. Toth · J. van Enst · J. D. van Wees · G. Varga · Z. Weber · M. Wilson · D. Wolf, C.Dinu (2007) – TOPO-EUROPE: The geoscience of coupled deep Earth-surface processes. Global and Planetary Change 58.p 1-118.
Cloetingh,S., Bada,G.,Matenco, L.,Lankraeijer, A., Horvath,F., Dinu, C.(2006)- Modes of basin (de)formation, lithospheric strength and vertical motions in the Pannonian–Carpathian system: inferences from thermo-mechanical modellingIn: Stephenson, R.A., Gee, D. (Eds.), European Lithosphere Dynamics. Geological Society of London, Memoirs, 32, pp.207 – 221.
Cloetingh S., Maţenco L., Bada G., Dinu C. and Mocanu V. (2005)-The evolution of the Carpathians–Pannonian system: Interaction between neotectonics, deep structure, polyphase orogeny and sedimentary basins in a source to sink natural laboratory.Tectonophysics.Vol.410, pp.1 – 14.
Dinu C., Wong H.K., Tambrea D. Matenco L. (2005) – Stratigraphy and structural characteristics of the Romanian Black Sea shelf. Tectonophysics, vol.410, pp. 417 – 435.
Knapp J.H., Knapp C.C., Raileanu V., Matenco L., Mocanu V., Dinu C.(2005) – Crustal constarints of the origin of mantle seismicity in the Vrancea zone, Romania: The case for active continental lithospheric delamination. Tectonophysics, vol.410, pp. 311 – 323.
Popescu I., Lericolais G., Panin N., Normand A., Dinu C., Le Drezen E., (2004)- The Danube submarine canyon (Black Sea) : morphology and sedimentary processes. Marine Geology, 206, 249-265.
Tarapoanca M., Garcia-Castellanos D., Bertotti G., Matenco L., Cloetingh SAPL, Dinu C. (2004) – Role of the 3D distributions of load and lithospheric strength in orogenic axes: polystage subsidence in the Carpathians foredeep. Earth and Planetary Science Letters; 221(s1-4), p. 1-18.
Tarapoanca M., Maţenco L., Bertotti G., Dinu C., Cloetingh S.(2004) – Arhitecture of the Focşani Depression: a very deep basin in the Carpathians bend (România) – Tectonics, vol. 22, no. 6, , p. 1-17.
Cloetingh S., Horvath F., Dinu C., Stephenson R.A., Bertotti G., Bada G., Matenco L., Garcia-Castelanos D and the TECTOP Working Group (2003) – Probing tectonic topography in the aftermath of continental convergence in Central Europe.EOS Transactions. AGU vol. 84, nr. 10, 11, p. 89-93.
Gillet H., Lericolais G., Rehault J.L., Dinu C. (2003) – La stratigraphie oligo-miocene et la surface d’erosion messinienne en Mer Noire, stratigraphie sismique haute resolution. C.R. Geoscience 335(12), p. 907-916.
Maţenco L., Bertotti G., Cloetingh S., Dinu C. (2003) – Subsidence analysis and tectonic evolution of the external Carpathian-Moesian Platform region during Neogene times.Sedimentary Geology, 156(1-4), pp.71 -94.
Ciulavu, D.,Dinu, C., Cloetingh, S., (2002) -.Late Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Transylvanian Basin and Northeastern Part of the Pannonian Basin: Constraints from Seismic Profiling and Numerical Modelling. EGU Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series 3, p.105-120.
Ciulavu D., Dinu C.,Szakacs A., Dordea D.(2000) – Neogene kinematics of the Transilvania Basin (România).AAPG Bulletin, v.84, no 10,pp. 1589-1615.
Winguth C.,Wong H.K.,Panin N.,Dinu C.,Georgescu P.,Ungureanu G., Krugliakov V.V.,Podshuveit V. (2000) – Upper Quaternary water level history and sedimentation in the northwestern Black Sea. Marine Geology 167, p.l27 – 146.
Ciulavu D., Dinu C. (1998) – The Transilvanian Basin.In: CERGOP Monograph of Southern Carpathians”, Warshaw University of Techology p.l11-126.
Huismans R.S., Bertotti G., Ciulavu D., Sanders C.A.E., Cloetingh S., Dinu C.(1997) – Structural evolution of the Transilvanian Basin (România): a sedimentary basin in the bend zone of the Carpathians, In: F. Neubauer, . Cloetingh S., Dinu C.,and Mocanu V. (Editors). Tectonics of the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian Region, II Tectonophysics, 272: 269-290.
Maţenco L., Zoetemeijer R., Cloetingh S., Dinu C. (1997) – Lateral variation in the mechanical properties of the Romanian externai Carpathians: inferences of flexure and gravity modelling.Tectonophysics, 282: 147-166.
Maţenco L., Bertotti G., Dinu C., Cloetingh s. (1997) – Tertiary tectonic evolution of the external south Carpathians and the adjacent Moesian platform (Romanmia).Tectonics, voi.16, no.6. p.896-911.
Neubauer F., Cloetingh S., Dinu C., Mocanu V.(1997) – Tectonics of the Alpino-Pannonian-Carpathian region: Introduction. Tectonophysics, 272, p.2-4, p.93-97.
Dinu C., Morariu D.C., Mocanu V. (1996) – Hydrocarbon resources of România -an overview.In: G. Wessely and W. Leibl (Eds.), “Oil and Gas in Alpidic Thrustbels and Basins of Central and Eastern Europe”, EAGE Sp. Publ. no.5, p. 23-27.
Mocanu V., Dinu C., Rădulescu FL, Diaconescu M.Diaconescu C.,Pompilian A.(1996) – Seismogeological features of the crust in România, in Wessely G. and Leibl. W.(eds.), “Oil and Gas in Alpidic Thrustbets and Basins of Central and Eastern Europe”, EAGE Sp. Publ.No.5, p.289-299.
Wong H.K., Panin N., Dinuc C., Georgescu P., Rahn C. (1994) – Morphology and post-chaudîan (Late Pleistocene) evolution of the submarine Danube fan complex. Terra Nova, 6, pp.502-511.
Grujenschi C., Dinu C. (1979) – Distribution, compozition et caracteristiques de la tranche superficielle de sediments du lac du baraj Bicaz (Roumanie). Annales de la Soc. Geolgique de Belgique, t. 101- 1978, pp.55-66.
Grujenschi C., Zamfirescu Fl, Dinu C. (1978) – Quelques remarques sur le relief du type “cuesta” dans la depression morfologique Rîmna (Roumanie). Annales de la Societe Geologique de Belgique, 100,1077,pp. 175-181.
Articole indexate in baze de date internationale (BDI)/ Papers published in international data base
Anton E.M., Munteanu I., Dinu C., Melinte-Dobrinescu M.,C. (2019) – Lito- and biostratigraphy opf the Eocene deposits from Istria Basin northern edge (Western Black Sea).Geo-Eco-Marina 25, p.187- 202.
Dinu C., Munteanu I., Tambrea D., Panin N., (2018) – Gas Hydrates, Flares Seeps Offshore Romania, A Review Geo-Eco-Marina 24,, p.5 – 54.
Ludmann T., Wong H. K., Dinu C., Baristeas N., Panin N. (2018). Characterisation of gas hydrates and free gas occurences in the North-West Black Sea. Rev. Roum. Geologie, tomes 61-62,p.31-43, 2017-2018, Bucuresti.
Alexe I., Chiran M., Sava C., Dudu A., Anghel A., Burlacu A., Dinu C., Soare R., (2018).- Utilization Of Captured CO2 For Implementing CCUS In Romania. Geo-Eco-Marina – No.24, p.133- 137.
Trasca N., Alexer I., Chiran M., Proca A., Sava C., Dudu A., Anghel S., Burlacu A., Dinu C., (2018)- Injection And Storage Of CO2 – Efficient Method For Increasing Oil Recovery. Geo-Eco-Marina – No.24, p.139- 143.
Dinu C. (2018). Tectonica. In:Radulescu D., Panin N., Anastasiu N., Brustur T. (Coord.)-Istoria geostiintelor in Romania. Stiintele geologice. Ed. Academiei Romane, Bucuresti p. 290 – 314.
Dinu C. (2018) – Ludovic Mrazec si geologia petrolului. “Academica”, Nr. 7-8, iulie-august 2018, Anul XXVIII, 333-334, p.90-97.
Sava C.S., Dudu A., Anghel S., Dinu C., Soare R., Burlacu A., Alexe I., Chiran M., (2017) – Multimodal transport of CO2 for implementing CCUS in Romania. Geo-Eco-Marina, 23/2017, p.223 – 227.
Nicolescu O., Dinu C. (2017) – Mass transport complex in the basin floor environment of the Danube submarine fan, Western Black Sea. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM,17(11), pp.307-314.
Dimitriu R., Dinu C., Munteanu I., Stanciu I.(2016)- Potential data interpretation and 23/4 modelling aiming to decipher an elevated structure revealed by 3D seismic on the Romanian offshore. 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM,2016 Varna, Bulgaria, p.499-510.
Dimitriu R.G., Dinu C., Stanciu Irina (2016) – 2¾D modelling of gravity and magnetic data in support of geologic interpretation of an elevated structure revealed by 3D seismics on the Romanian offshore . AAPG Europe Region: European Regional Conference & Exhibition, 19th-20th May, 2016, Bucharest, Romania.
Nicolescu O., Dinu C. (2016)- Thickness estimation of the Danube submarine fan deep water deposits resulted from seismic sections (Black Sea).16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016, 26 june-6 july 2016, Albena, Bulgaria.
Dimitriu R.G., Dinu C., 2015, –Modelarea 2 ¾ a datelor gravimetrice si magnetometrice marine pentru stabilirea alcatuirii petrografice a Ridicarii C, evidentiata de seismica 3D in largul tarmului romanesc al Marii Negre. Ses. Anuala de Comunicari stiintifice a INCD GeoEcoMar Bucuresti, 16 dec.2015.
Dinu C. (2015) – Domeniul marin – sursa de energie si resurse minerale. In Hera C.(Editor) – Schimbari climatice globale. Grija pentru resurse Minerale., Ed.Academiei Romane.p.209 – 218.
Schniukov E.F.,Panin N.S., Dinu C.,Kutniy V.A., Maslakov N.A.(2009)- Mud-volcanoes of Romania. Preliminary data on the mineralogy of Paclele Mari and Paclele Mici Mud-volcanoes.GeoEcoMarina, 15/2009.
Raileanu V., Dinu C., Ardeleanu L., Diaconescu V., Popescu E., Bala A (2009)- Crustal seismicity and associated fault system in Romania. Proceedings of the 27-th ECGS Workshop: Seismicity patterns in Euro-Med.Region, Luxemburg, 17-19 Nov.2008. in Cahier du Centre Europeean de Geodynamique et de seismologie, 153-159, 2009, ISBN,9,7829-19-89702-5.
Shnukov E.F., Panin N.S., Dinu C., Maslakov N.A., Paryshev A.A. (2008) – Gas volcanism in the Romania. The paper 1. Geology and mineral resources of world ocean no.3/2008,pp. 90-102, Kiev.
Shnukov E.F., Panin N.S., Dinu C., Kutny V.A., Maslakov N.A. (2008) – Gas volcanism in the Romania. ( paper 2): Mineralogy of Piclele Mari and Piclele Mici Mud Volcanoes. Geology and mineral resources of world ocean no.4/2008,pp. 29-39, Kiev.
Raileanu V. Hauser F., Bala A., Fielitz W., Prodhel C., Dinu C., Landes M. (2007) Deep seismic sounding across the Vrancea Region. Intern. Symposium on Strong Vrancea Earthquakes and Risk Mitigation, Oct. 4- 6, 2007, Bucharest, Romania,p.80- 86.
Raileanu V., Bala A., Dinu C., Radulian M., Popescu E., Diaconescu V., Mateciuc D., Popa M. (2007) – Crustal seismicity and deep structure in the SE Carpathians and its foreland. Intern. Symposium on Strong Vrancea Earthquakes and Risk Mitigation, Oct. 4- 6, 2007, Bucharest, Romania,p.87- 90.
Dinu C., Jipa D.(2005) – General geological and hydrogeological data from the Oil Terminal Constanta area. GEO-ECO-MARINA,nr 7-8,p.20-23.
Jipa D., Albu M., Dinu C., Pavel A. (2005) – Hydrocarbon contamination inside Oil Terminal North- 1 Storage Area – Summary and data interpretation. GEO-ECO-MARINA,nr 7-8,p.60-67.
Jipa D.,Albu M.,Dinu C., Pavel A. (2005) – Hydrocarbon contamination east of Oil Terminal North- 1 Storage Area – Summary and data interpretation. GEO-ECO-MARINA,nr 7-8,p.87-90.
Matresu J., Raileanu V., Dinu C. (2005) – Relationships between tectonic elements and crustal reflectivity – A case from Moesian Platform. Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society, vol.8,suppl.1, p.125 – 128.
Raileanu V., Hauser F., Fielitz W., Dinu C., Bala A., Landes M., Prodehl C. (2005) – A Transilvania crustal structure model from the North Dobrogea through Vrancea region to the Western Transilvania. Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society, vol.8,suppl.1, p.299 – 302.
Dinu C., Moldoveanu T., Diaconescu V., Matenco L. (2005) – Seismotectonics of the foreland of the Romanian Carpathians characterization of seismic sources and insights on seismic hazard analysis. Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society, vol.8,suppl.1, p.727- 730.
Matresu J., Raileanu V., Dinu C. (2005) – Relationships between tectonic elements and crustal reflectivity – A case from Moesian Platform.Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society, vol.8,suppl.1, p.125 – 128.
Dinu C.,Tambrea D., Raileanu A. (2005) – Structural characteristics, seismic facies and depositional framework of Eocene deposits, in Central Romanian Black Sea offshore. Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society, vol.8,suppl.1, p.373 -376.
Raileanu V., Hauser F., Fielitz W., Dinu C., Bala A., Landes M., Prodehl C. (2005) – A crustal structure model from the North Dobrogea through Vrancea region to the Western Transilvania. Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society, vol.8,suppl.1, p.299-302.
Dimitriu, R. G. , Dinu, C. , Sava, C. S. , Tambrea, D.(2004) – Deep Geotectonic Controls Revealed by Geophysical Potential Data on the Romanian Offshore. AAPG European Region Conference with GSA Prague, October 10-13, 2004.
Dinu C et al, 2003 – Transition from Extensional to Compressional Structure in the Upper Miocene Shally Deposits, Western Black Sea. Conference Paper: AAPG International Conference, At Barcelona, Spain , Sept. 2003 DOI: 10.13140/2.1.4172.5440
Hauser F., Prodehl C., Landes M., Bala A., Raileanu V., Bribach I., Knapp J., Diaconescu C., Dinu C., Mocanu V., Fielitz W., Harder S., Keller R.G., Heghedus E. ,Stephenson R.A., (2002) – Seismic experiments target earthquake-region in Romania. EOS, vol.83,no 41.
Wong H.K., Ludemann T., Panin N., Konerding P., Dinu C. (2002) – Northwestern Black Sea: Upper Quaternary water level and sedimentation. In CIESM Workshop series no. 17 – Mediterranean and Black Sea Turbidite Systems and Deep-sea- Fans.- Bucharest 5-8 June 2002, p. 85 – 89.
Popescu I., Lericolais G.,Panin N., Droz L., Wong H.K., Dinu C. (2002) – Architecture and recent sedimentary evolution of the Danube deep-sea fan (Black Sea). CIESM Workshop Series 17,“Turbidite systems and deep-sea fans of the Mediterranean and the Black Seas”, p: 81-84, Monaco / 2002, INCD GEOECOMAR.
Flower M., Mocanu V.,Zongjin M., Russo R.,Yem N.T.,Chi C.T.,Cuong N.Q., Jinfu D., Dilek Y., Dinu C. Futian L., Liu M., Hoang N.,Robinson P., Xuangxei M.,Punongbayan R., Wenzel F.,Yumul G.,Windom E. (2001) – Project TargetsMantle Dynamics and Tethyan Hazard Mitigation, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol.81.,No.,49.,pp.600 -608.
Mocanu V.,Russo R.,Wenzel F., Dinu C.,FIower M.(2000) – Seismic attenuation in the Vrancea region, Carpathians, Romania. Conference volume, SEG/EAGE/ RSG: Bucharest International Geophysical Conference and Exposition,pp.264-267.
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